November 7, 2007

Seasonal Rotation Is A Must

Here's a good seasonal reminder for you! As you're going through your closet and pulling your winter things to the front (at least that's what I do) do a thorough cleaning out. If you let a winter season go by without wearing one or two certain sweaters or if there's a jacket stuffed in the back of your closet that hasn't seen the outdoors in two years, start yourself a donation bag. I realized that I had several sweaters that I hadn't worn in years because they're always at the back of my closet. When it came time for seasonal rotation, I'd just leave them in the back because I didn't foresee myself wearing them right them. If you're not wearing it, rid yourself of it. Just think, for every item that you clean out of your closet, you've just left yourself room to buy yourself two new things. Don't question the's my own mathematical system!

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