November 28, 2007
It's all about the coupons
I've started my Christmas shopping and surprisingly enough, I've remembered to use sites such as to save myself some money. I've managed to save quite a bit with my coupon shopping. I got some great deals at eBags as well as substantial savings at Lane Bryant. I've never tried to shop with online coupons before this year but honestly, I am now completely sold on the idea. It's basically free money just waiting for you to grab it. Whether it's a certain percentage off of your total purchase or a coupon for free all leaves a little extra money in my wallet and for me, that's what it's all about!

It's that time of year...
The weather is turning colder (well, everywhere except Florida) and that means that you need to pick up the pace on the moisturizing routine. The cold weather is very drying to the skin and so it's important to remember to keep your skin hydrated and moisturized. During the winter months, I often keep a bottle of lotion in several places throughout the house. Whenever I think of it or notice that my legs are a bit dry, I simply grab a bottle of lotion and give myself a good rubbing in. Be certain to purchase a good face moisturizer as well. I never put the same thing on my face that I use on the rest of my body. I don't know that there would be any harm in this, but I'm just picky this way. Oil of Olay has a wonderful line of face moisturizers at a price that won't break you.
November 26, 2007
Back to the routine
I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. My Thanksgiving was a bit stressful due to some family (not immediate family) conflicts but when all was said and done, it was a good holiday. We cooked, we ate and we collapsed...much like families everywhere. I'm officially done eating the leftovers. Three nights is way more than what I normally prefer as far as any type of leftovers are concerned. I would prefer to never eat leftovers but alas, that's in a perfect world. I now need to get back to my normal eating routine which consists of healthy eating during the day and NO sweets whatsoever. I'll have no problem getting back to task as I'm not generally a sweets kind of person anyway. Do you find it difficult to get back on the dietary task after a holiday such as Thanksgiving or Christmas?
November 19, 2007
A recommendation from me to you

I was blessed to receive a sample of Biotene Sensitive Toothpaste in the mail and I have to say that I like what this product has to offer. It doesn't just mask the pain from sensitive teeth and gums. With continued use, it actually begins to eliminate the pain. I'm all for pain elimination. I know that a lot of toothpastes out there that are geared towards sensitive teeth taste disgusting. Biotene sensitive toothpaste doesn't leave that gritty, chalky taste in your mouth. It's minty without being overpowering and taking your breath away. I wish that a product such as this had existed years ago when I first discovered that I had sensitive teeth. It might have saved me a lot of pain and suffering down through the years. Thankfully I now have some and will be inclined to purchase it in the future. If you have a problem with overly sensitive teeth and gums, then I would highly recommend that you try Biotene Sensitive Toothpaste. You've got absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Once the meal is done, the turkey is reduced to a carcass and everyone has gone their own way, I again have myself a nice hot bubble bath complete with aromatherapy oils and candles. It's my way of winding down after a day filled with mass quantities of food, family and noise. Be wise and take the time for you. I promise you, that you won't regret it and you'll thank yourself in the end.
Find what you're after
Dating, to me, has never been easy. I've gone all of the different routes in approaching the daunting task of finding Mr. Right. Fortunately, I've found my Mr. Right so I no longer have to worry about the whole dating scene. However, I know that so many women (and men) are still looking. Dating sites are always the most common methods that people choose when they begin their search. It's convenient. It's a safe way to get to know someone before choosing to meet them face to face. I remember when there were just a select few dating sites available on the internet. Your choices of places to join were very limited and scarce. Times are changing though. Now there seems to be a dating site geared towards people of all walks of life. There are interracial dating sites, tattoo lovers dating sites, retiree dating sites and so much more. People like Goth singles can find that dark love they're after and plus-sized women can find the man who likes the woman with a curvalicious body.
The limitations have finally been lifted where dating is concerned and now, your only limits are the ones that you put on yourself. Get out there and start seeking out exactly what it is you're after. You have no excuse as the world is literally just a keystroke away!
The limitations have finally been lifted where dating is concerned and now, your only limits are the ones that you put on yourself. Get out there and start seeking out exactly what it is you're after. You have no excuse as the world is literally just a keystroke away!
The Queen

Finding the solution
It doesn't matter how much I try to organize, I still have so much stuff. I know I'm not the only one with this problem. I clean out my closet and with one trip to the shops, it's again in a state of clutter. I've tried to combine my bedroom along with my home office and it's simply not working. I'm going to have to look into something like garden buildings and utilize that has a home office. They're wonderful structures that you can add to your property and use in a plethura of ways. They are stunning with the wood and the glass and I can absolutely see myself spending my days surrounded by such beauty. I really do need to come up with a solution because combining an office and a living space just isn't ideal. Maybe I can look into getting two garden buildings and use one as just a beautiful get-away from everyone and everything inside the house. Now there's an idea!
November 16, 2007
It all goes!
Tomorrow is the day. Tomorrow I am going to start going through my bedroom and organizing and getting rid of things. I'm going to toss out those things that I haven't made use of in more than six months. I'm going to get rid of any clothes that I haven't worn or any shoes I haven't worn. I'm going to get rid of those extra bottles of lotion I've never even cracked the cap on in the past six months. I'm going to organize my movies and see what I've got. I'm going to go through photos that I have and get them all organized into one or two boxes instead of scattered about in five different boxes of things. I don't really own a lot but it seems like I've just got so much crap that I'm not using. I'm going to downsize myself to the bare minimum. Spring Cleaning in November. Sounds like a plan to me!
Blogged with Flock
November 15, 2007
It Happens
How many times have you been out window shopping and seen the PERFECT outfit and it's been a few days before payday? That seems to happen to me more often than I'd like. I'm not trusting that the item I want will still be there when I return. I've been known to get Payday loans before for the sole purpose of shopping. I simply paid the money back a few days later when my paycheck was deposited. It afforded me the opportunity to catch some great bargains and not miss out on those terrific sales. I wouldn't recommend doing this on a routine basis but I certainly see no harm in it once in a while. Just remember to be responsible and only spend what you know your budget will allow. Don't let your love of shopping put you or keep you in the financial dog house!
Trying for readership
I'm trying to get the word out about this blog but so far my efforts have proven null and void. It's as though every blog networking site is on permanent hiatus or vacation or just plain doesn't care about their site anymore. If you're visiting my site and like what you see (please keep in mind that this is a relatively new blog so it's a definite work in progress) then please leave me a comment and add me to your blog roll. The word of fellow bloggers is still the best way to get your site read and followed.
November 10, 2007
Let's Get Moving
Christmas is six weeks away. That means you have just a very very short time in which to find your perfect holiday party outfit. The holiday parties typically start right after Thanksgiving and well, that's just two weeks away. You do the math. I've found some terrific dresses online and of course, don't forget about using your Online Coupons to save you some much needed dinero. I'm trying to find myself a cute handbag to use throughout the winter season. I've found some great eBags deals that are too good to pass up. Of course, you cannot forget to find yourself that killer pair of shoes that are far to luxurious but you simply must have them. There are some really great savings using Macy's coupons and I happen to know from first hand experience that Macy's has some absolutely gorgeous shoes. Irregardless of where you do your online shopping, I have two suggestions for you.
- Get into gear and do it now. No procrastinating allowed.
- Be smart and use an online coupon. There is no sense in spending money that you don't have to spend.
Denim according to William
I love William Sledd. He's a self-proclaimed fashion expert and I simply adore him. He's from Paducah, Kentucky however due to his Youtube success, he's branching out into all sorts of successful endeavors. This is one of my favorite fashion tip videos that he's done. Here is William and his friend Stephanie giving the great fashion tips for denim!
Blogged with Flock
November 8, 2007
Upgrading your surroundings
When working to find and develop your own inner diva, it's important to make certain that your surroundings are in complete diva order as well. I've been working to do a major over-haul on the house from top to bottom. I've even found a place that will turn your garage floors into something completely new and restored. I try to stay away from the garage as much as possible because it's turned into such a catastrophe. If I could get the floor replaced in there I might use it as extra storage for the mass of things that I can't seem to fit into my closet! Bet you never thought a garage was important to your inner diva but in reality, all that surrounds you is important!
Walk before you shop
Tis the season for eating all of the things that we know add inches to the hips. If you're going to be indulging a bit this holiday season, be certain not to forget some type of exercise. It doesn't have to be a full gym workout. Simply take a little walk each day and burn some of those added calories. If it is too cold where to you live to go outdoors for a walk, consider your local mall. You can conquer your holiday shopping and your exercise in one trip. Before you start your shopping, take 2 or 3 laps around the mall scoping out which shops you'd like to hit. Not only are you creating a shopping strategy but you're getting that much needed exercise as well. Just take my advice and avoid the loop that takes you through the food court. No need for unnecessary temptations!
Shopping Wisely
The Christmas shopping season is upon us. Typically the season begins with Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Most generally start browsing and making Christmas mental notes with the start of November. If you're doing your Christmas shopping online, make certain that you check out any and all coupons that may be available for the stores that you're shopping. has coupons for a huge selection of some of your favorite stores. Some coupons include 20% off while others are for free shipping and handling. I often shop at Lane Bryant and I have no problem finding a truly fantastic coupon to use when shopping online. I've also managed to get some terrific savings at Junonia. Whatever it is that you're shopping for, just be certain to check for coupons before you purchase. Every little bit of money you save means that much more money you can spend!
New Scents make sense

November 7, 2007
Magical Holiday Shopping
As Christmas rapidly approaches, I'm reminded of one of my favorite holiday traditions. SHOPPING! I don't just shop though. I like to shop in big cities. There's nothing better than combining a weekend get-away with a mega shopping expedition. One of my favorite weekend get-away cities for shopping is New York City. Seriously, there is no better place to spend your money during the Christmas season than in the Big Apple.
Hotel Reservations can be a bit difficult to acquire during the holiday season so you must plan ahead. Don't wait until the weekend before Christmas and expect to find yourself a great room. Use a site such as when you make your travel arrangements. They work to find you the lowest rate for your specified dates and I find their site to be one of the easiest to maneuver around.

One you get to town and find your hotel...drop off the luggage and immediately hit the streets in your most comfortable of shoes. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT expect to do a marathon shopping spree in NYC in spiky little heels. We are not Carrie Bradshaw. We are also not stick figures. Put on something sensible and something that you're prepared to walk in for a solid seven or eight hours. Be certain to visit all of the major department stores in Manhattan as their Christmas window displays are absolutely amazing. Saks, Macy's, Bloomingdales...all of them. Definitely a must see. And believe it or not, you can shop in Manhattan on a budget. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars and take out a second mortgage on your home. Just don't spend all of your time on Fifth Avenue. Check out lower Manhattan for some great bargains and discount shops.
So in conclusion...plan your trip and get your reservations as soon as you've decided to take your weekend get-away. Map out a strategy as far as your shopping route. Try to find a hotel in close proximity to where you plan on doing the majority of your shopping. Cabs are expensive. Most of all, treat yourself to a wonderful weekend in a wonderful city full of the best shopping possibilities ever!
Hotel Reservations can be a bit difficult to acquire during the holiday season so you must plan ahead. Don't wait until the weekend before Christmas and expect to find yourself a great room. Use a site such as when you make your travel arrangements. They work to find you the lowest rate for your specified dates and I find their site to be one of the easiest to maneuver around.
One you get to town and find your hotel...drop off the luggage and immediately hit the streets in your most comfortable of shoes. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT expect to do a marathon shopping spree in NYC in spiky little heels. We are not Carrie Bradshaw. We are also not stick figures. Put on something sensible and something that you're prepared to walk in for a solid seven or eight hours. Be certain to visit all of the major department stores in Manhattan as their Christmas window displays are absolutely amazing. Saks, Macy's, Bloomingdales...all of them. Definitely a must see. And believe it or not, you can shop in Manhattan on a budget. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars and take out a second mortgage on your home. Just don't spend all of your time on Fifth Avenue. Check out lower Manhattan for some great bargains and discount shops.
So in conclusion...plan your trip and get your reservations as soon as you've decided to take your weekend get-away. Map out a strategy as far as your shopping route. Try to find a hotel in close proximity to where you plan on doing the majority of your shopping. Cabs are expensive. Most of all, treat yourself to a wonderful weekend in a wonderful city full of the best shopping possibilities ever!
Seasonal Rotation Is A Must
Here's a good seasonal reminder for you! As you're going through your closet and pulling your winter things to the front (at least that's what I do) do a thorough cleaning out. If you let a winter season go by without wearing one or two certain sweaters or if there's a jacket stuffed in the back of your closet that hasn't seen the outdoors in two years, start yourself a donation bag. I realized that I had several sweaters that I hadn't worn in years because they're always at the back of my closet. When it came time for seasonal rotation, I'd just leave them in the back because I didn't foresee myself wearing them right them. If you're not wearing it, rid yourself of it. Just think, for every item that you clean out of your closet, you've just left yourself room to buy yourself two new things. Don't question the's my own mathematical system!
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