August 30, 2007
Fall Essentials

August 26, 2007
Fashion at a high price

I'm not cheap, by any means, but I do believe in a certain amount of frugality where fashion is concerned. If you've got $14,000 to just toss away on a purse, perhaps you could just spend $4,000 on a handbag and maybe donate the remaining $10,000 to a very worthwhile charity?? Just a thought.
August 25, 2007
Since my last post, my love life has taken a turn for the toilet. Yep, that's right. I got dumped. But you know...its okay. I'm actually fine with this. I actually should have ended this relationship long ago but I made the grave mistake of dragging it out. Why did I do this you ask? Because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find anyone else. I was settling. It was only after the break-up that I realized how much stress and tension was released from me. I had been staying in a relationship that had died long ago and in doing so, I was slowly killing off very valuable parts of myself and who I am.

Don't make this mistake. Learn the value of yourself and all that you are worth. Do not let any man (or woman for that matter) validate you as a person. You need to be your own validation in life. I spent four years seeking validation from a man who I knew I wasn't meant to be with. Trust me when I say that looks aren't everything when it comes to a relationship. You can be with a complete god or goddess but if the love is missing...if the passion is gone...if the chemistry has dissipated, then heed my advice and move on. You will truly be surprised at the weight that is lifted from your shoulders.
Now comes the fun part in being a single woman. I actually have the freedom to start looking all over again. At first I saw this as a task. I saw it as drudgery and something I wanted to avoid at all cost. But then I re-evaluated the situation. I pulled myself up by the boot straps and had a good conversation with my inner-diva. I'm still very much a young woman. I am just now in my prime at almost 37 years of age. I get the pleasure of experiencing meeting new people. New men. New challenges. I'm excited to be single again. Mind you, I hope that it doesn't last for a long period of time as I do hope to meet an incredible man some day but for now, I'm certainly going to bask in the thrill of being a woman on the prowl.
I do promise to be more regular with posting now that my life is getting back in order. I will get back on task and posts will be coming at regular intervals. In the meantime, continue to love the woman that you are, embrace your inner diva and go buy yourself a new pair of shoes!! Shoes always make me smile!
August 9, 2007
Don't Forget
Know Your Jeans

Just Say No
So, remember what we've learned here today. Conceal what is meant to be concealed and play up what is meant to be revealed. Stop tucking your shirt in. Just don't do it. Not to mention, it gives you that not so lovely roll right across your posterior. This can never be a good thing. Never. In closing, if you simply must tuck a shirt in due to clothing restrictions or rules for work, then just make sure that you're wearing pants that are properly fitting and if need be, get yourself a control top panty. They can be your best friend. Trust me!
August 2, 2007
I have a hard time believing that a cream is going to help me obtain that which is known as "slim". Let's be real here. This is the description they give their product.
“A new, advanced technology adipose antagonist (in layman’s terms that’s fat fighter) that features QuSome encapsulated caffeine molecules for quick and targeted delivery of the skin-slimming stuff of choice of supermodels, spokespeople, and other celebs.”
It’s $29 for 6 oz. Personally, I can think of a lot better things to do with $29 then rubbing cream on my thighs with the anticipation of them shrinking. Can you say purses? Shoes? $29 would also buy me a few tidbits at Bath and Body Works...my all-time favorite store. Yeah, I'll pass on the fat cream and just take my chances on the good old fashioned exercise regimen!