Ladies, do yourself a favor and please go get properly measured for your bra size. You would not believe the number of women who are wearing the wrong size bra day in and day out. They do this either because they just assume they are one size or they do this because they fall in love with a particular bra and will do whatever necessary to squeeze their girls in. Please, please, please. Stop this madness.
I'll admit, I went for a very long time and had never been properly measured before. I would just try on bras and take what held my abilities the best and was most comfortable. Little did I know that for the longest time, I'd been wearing the wrong size bra. I was wearing a bra that was too big around yet too small in cup size. I'd been doing this for years. Since being measured, I stick strictly within the size that I am. I do not waiver. If a store doesn't have it in my proper size, I simply try back at a later time or I go on to a different store.
Go into any plus size ladies store such as
Lane Bryant or even
Macy's and other department stores that have actual lingerie departments. Just tell the sales clerk that you're uncertain of your definitive bra size and you'd like to be measured. It takes 15 seconds. Trust me, those 15 seconds will make a world of difference in how you feel and how you look!