December 27, 2007
Choices make the world go 'round
At last
December 8, 2007
Stress Relief
December 5, 2007
Bras and panties and corsets, Oh My!

December 4, 2007
A must have...
Sometimes it is about me
December 2, 2007
November 28, 2007
It's all about the coupons
It's that time of year...
November 26, 2007
Back to the routine
November 19, 2007
A recommendation from me to you

I was blessed to receive a sample of Biotene Sensitive Toothpaste in the mail and I have to say that I like what this product has to offer. It doesn't just mask the pain from sensitive teeth and gums. With continued use, it actually begins to eliminate the pain. I'm all for pain elimination. I know that a lot of toothpastes out there that are geared towards sensitive teeth taste disgusting. Biotene sensitive toothpaste doesn't leave that gritty, chalky taste in your mouth. It's minty without being overpowering and taking your breath away. I wish that a product such as this had existed years ago when I first discovered that I had sensitive teeth. It might have saved me a lot of pain and suffering down through the years. Thankfully I now have some and will be inclined to purchase it in the future. If you have a problem with overly sensitive teeth and gums, then I would highly recommend that you try Biotene Sensitive Toothpaste. You've got absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Once the meal is done, the turkey is reduced to a carcass and everyone has gone their own way, I again have myself a nice hot bubble bath complete with aromatherapy oils and candles. It's my way of winding down after a day filled with mass quantities of food, family and noise. Be wise and take the time for you. I promise you, that you won't regret it and you'll thank yourself in the end.
Find what you're after
The limitations have finally been lifted where dating is concerned and now, your only limits are the ones that you put on yourself. Get out there and start seeking out exactly what it is you're after. You have no excuse as the world is literally just a keystroke away!
The Queen

Finding the solution
November 16, 2007
It all goes!
Blogged with Flock
November 15, 2007
It Happens
Trying for readership
November 10, 2007
Let's Get Moving
- Get into gear and do it now. No procrastinating allowed.
- Be smart and use an online coupon. There is no sense in spending money that you don't have to spend.
Denim according to William
Blogged with Flock
November 8, 2007
Upgrading your surroundings
Walk before you shop
Shopping Wisely
New Scents make sense

November 7, 2007
Magical Holiday Shopping
Hotel Reservations can be a bit difficult to acquire during the holiday season so you must plan ahead. Don't wait until the weekend before Christmas and expect to find yourself a great room. Use a site such as when you make your travel arrangements. They work to find you the lowest rate for your specified dates and I find their site to be one of the easiest to maneuver around.
One you get to town and find your hotel...drop off the luggage and immediately hit the streets in your most comfortable of shoes. DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT expect to do a marathon shopping spree in NYC in spiky little heels. We are not Carrie Bradshaw. We are also not stick figures. Put on something sensible and something that you're prepared to walk in for a solid seven or eight hours. Be certain to visit all of the major department stores in Manhattan as their Christmas window displays are absolutely amazing. Saks, Macy's, Bloomingdales...all of them. Definitely a must see. And believe it or not, you can shop in Manhattan on a budget. You don't have to spend thousands of dollars and take out a second mortgage on your home. Just don't spend all of your time on Fifth Avenue. Check out lower Manhattan for some great bargains and discount shops.
So in conclusion...plan your trip and get your reservations as soon as you've decided to take your weekend get-away. Map out a strategy as far as your shopping route. Try to find a hotel in close proximity to where you plan on doing the majority of your shopping. Cabs are expensive. Most of all, treat yourself to a wonderful weekend in a wonderful city full of the best shopping possibilities ever!
Seasonal Rotation Is A Must
October 23, 2007
Making the move
Here is a little tidbit of info for you. Men like it when we make things easier for them. Yes, I know...playing hard to get is part of the game for us girls. True. However, there is a time and place for that. When a man is obviously lacking a bit of self confidence, that is not the time to play hard to get. You're trying to get the guy, not scare him away from the dating scene for life. In my opinion, nice guys deserve a shot. Cut them some slack and give them a break. Make the first move. If you think there is some mutual interest, why don't you buy them a drink? Why must the man always make the first move? You've got nothing to lose except your pride. And trust me, in the dating scene, pride must take a back seat at times. You can't be too proud to step up to the plate and let a guy know you're interested.
Dating doesn't have to be a drudgery. Trust me, it's not going to get any easier as you get older. I speak from experience on that one. If I've learned anything over the years, it's to go with my instinct. If I feel like I'm getting the eye from a hottie, then I'm going to give him the eye back. I'm going to flirt a little bit. Let him know that I see that eye and I'm raising him on the deal. Guys certainly don't want to have to do all of the work but most will not shy away from a challenge.
So the next time you're out at the club and the DJ starts spinning your favorite tune, sashay right over to that one that's been giving you the look all evening long, grab him by the hand and drag him out to the dance floor. Get your groove on. Who knows, you might just gain a lot more than a dance!
Tip O' the Day!
October 18, 2007
Be Wise, Be Healthy
It's important that if you're just starting out with new and healthier changes in your diet, that you keep a food diary. You need to be able to track your eating style. Do you tend to eat more at night versus the morning? Are you a habitual snacker? Do you consume a great deal more sugar than necessary? Keeping a journal of all of your food intake in the beginning is a great tool to getting some insight into how and why you eat what you eat. It goes beyond counting calories. You've got to maintain a healthy caloric intake as well as monitoring your carbs, fat grams and sugar intake. If you're unsure of how to keep track of these things, then you're best bet will be to find a calorie counter to help you out in the beginning. After a while, you'll be able to judge things with a sensible view.'s not dieting that we all need. It's a lifestyle change. Making these healthy changes in your diet needs to be something that you take with you for the rest of your life. Being healthy is the only way to be!
October 16, 2007
Divine Leather

October 15, 2007
Just a reminder...
Now is the time to check for great sales on swimsuits both online and in your local department and specialty boutiques. Most retailers are trying to clear out their 2007 line to make plenty of room for when that 2008 line breaks out. Normally, this is the only way I purchase a swimsuit.
A few years ago, I managed to snag a swimsuit for $40. It was originally priced at nearly $120. I saved nearly 70%. With savings like that, I was able to purchase a matching sarong to go with it. Deals are always out there to be had. You just need to keep your eyes open and your shopping sensors tuned in to the clearance sales.
Could you please pass the dish of Autumn?
October 10, 2007
Style and Trends
Whether you're searching for that new and trendy diesel jacket or those sexy paige jeans, has what it is you're looking for. They prove that shopping online doesn't have to be, and isn't, cold and impersonal.
Of course, you know that I head straight to the handbag section of their site. I had a bit of price shock at first but I did manage to find some really stylish bags that wouldn't force me to get a bank loan. In general, has just about anything you could possible want from a high end boutique. If its boots or the incredible vince sweaters, should be your online boutique of choice. And don't online stylist to give you that personal attention that you deserve. What could be better than that? Oh wait...I about some sale prices with up to 80% off the regular price? Yeah, now you're listening huh? Be sure to check out all of the sections at because you never know what you're going to find.
Trends on the rise
I did refrain from purchasing any clothes while over there. Unfortunately I did not refrain from spending copious amounts of money on handbags and shoes. My next visit will be dedicated to clothing. Just remember, if you do ever find yourself in Europe and decide to add to your wardrobe, the sizing charts are quite different. Don't be alarmed to find yourself trying on a size 52 blouse or slipping on a pair of size 40 boots for size. Print off a size comparison chart before you go and it will make the process much easier!
October 9, 2007
It's a Must Have

October 1, 2007
Free Jewelry??
Silver Jewelry Club is one of those sites that seems too good to be true. They have 4 featured pieces of jewelry on their front page. Each item is up for 15 minutes. After 15 minutes, that's it. Something new pops up. You can get the item for free. You're only required to pay $5.99 shipping and handling if in the U.S. and Canada or $8.99 if otherwise international. I ordered my first ring with a little hesitation. I mean c'mon...$5.99 for a sterling silver ring with a beautiful mother of pearl setting? Well its beautiful. I've since ordered 2 more rings and 3 pendants as well as a sterling silver chain. We won't discuss how much my mother has ordered, or my sister or my friends. I encourage you to go have a look. It's an inexpensive way to build up your jewelry collection if you wear silver jewelry.
September 28, 2007
A new trend or just a re-invention of an old one
Every shoe store I entered was focused on the sale of boots. It was difficult not to find one's self standing in sheer lust over the beautiful leather creations. I tried them on. I tried many of them on. I was in love. I contemplated buying myself a few pair to bring back home but to be honest, I just wasn't sure that my fashion statement would be taken seriously here in Florida. I particularly loved the look of a beautiful pair of brown leather boots paired with cropped jeans. It just proves that if you buy one good versatile pair of shoes, you can truly wear them with just about anything, hence making the amount of money you spend on them well worth every cent.
I'm thinking I will just start my own fashion trend here in Florida and get myself a beautiful pair of boots. Fashion is as fashion does!
Comfort without the sacrifice of style
When it comes to versatility in my wardrobe, I find it necessary to find clothing that I can be comfortable in while at home, yet feel confident enough in to wear out in public while running errands around town. I'm not one to be changing clothes three and four times a day and there probably aren't many women who are. I'm beginning to see an increase in womens loungewear that is being designed with this idea in mind. How great is it to be able to lounge around the house in comfort and yet know that at any given minute, you can hop into your car and head out for an unexpected errand. Erin Braxton has done just that. Here is a line of women's loungewear which focuses on the fashion and comfort needs of the stylish woman. Erin Braxton's line of women's loungewear is manufactured here in the United States. There is no middle man to encounter here with your purchase therefore enabling Erin Braxton to bring you the highest quality without the obscene increase in prices. Hopefully more companies will recognize this need and start branching out into clothing lines which will appeal to today's busy woman and yet embrace her need for comfort as well as style and fashion!
August 30, 2007
Fall Essentials

August 26, 2007
Fashion at a high price

I'm not cheap, by any means, but I do believe in a certain amount of frugality where fashion is concerned. If you've got $14,000 to just toss away on a purse, perhaps you could just spend $4,000 on a handbag and maybe donate the remaining $10,000 to a very worthwhile charity?? Just a thought.
August 25, 2007
Since my last post, my love life has taken a turn for the toilet. Yep, that's right. I got dumped. But you know...its okay. I'm actually fine with this. I actually should have ended this relationship long ago but I made the grave mistake of dragging it out. Why did I do this you ask? Because I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to find anyone else. I was settling. It was only after the break-up that I realized how much stress and tension was released from me. I had been staying in a relationship that had died long ago and in doing so, I was slowly killing off very valuable parts of myself and who I am.

Don't make this mistake. Learn the value of yourself and all that you are worth. Do not let any man (or woman for that matter) validate you as a person. You need to be your own validation in life. I spent four years seeking validation from a man who I knew I wasn't meant to be with. Trust me when I say that looks aren't everything when it comes to a relationship. You can be with a complete god or goddess but if the love is missing...if the passion is gone...if the chemistry has dissipated, then heed my advice and move on. You will truly be surprised at the weight that is lifted from your shoulders.
Now comes the fun part in being a single woman. I actually have the freedom to start looking all over again. At first I saw this as a task. I saw it as drudgery and something I wanted to avoid at all cost. But then I re-evaluated the situation. I pulled myself up by the boot straps and had a good conversation with my inner-diva. I'm still very much a young woman. I am just now in my prime at almost 37 years of age. I get the pleasure of experiencing meeting new people. New men. New challenges. I'm excited to be single again. Mind you, I hope that it doesn't last for a long period of time as I do hope to meet an incredible man some day but for now, I'm certainly going to bask in the thrill of being a woman on the prowl.
I do promise to be more regular with posting now that my life is getting back in order. I will get back on task and posts will be coming at regular intervals. In the meantime, continue to love the woman that you are, embrace your inner diva and go buy yourself a new pair of shoes!! Shoes always make me smile!
August 9, 2007
Don't Forget
Know Your Jeans

Just Say No
So, remember what we've learned here today. Conceal what is meant to be concealed and play up what is meant to be revealed. Stop tucking your shirt in. Just don't do it. Not to mention, it gives you that not so lovely roll right across your posterior. This can never be a good thing. Never. In closing, if you simply must tuck a shirt in due to clothing restrictions or rules for work, then just make sure that you're wearing pants that are properly fitting and if need be, get yourself a control top panty. They can be your best friend. Trust me!
August 2, 2007
I have a hard time believing that a cream is going to help me obtain that which is known as "slim". Let's be real here. This is the description they give their product.
“A new, advanced technology adipose antagonist (in layman’s terms that’s fat fighter) that features QuSome encapsulated caffeine molecules for quick and targeted delivery of the skin-slimming stuff of choice of supermodels, spokespeople, and other celebs.”
It’s $29 for 6 oz. Personally, I can think of a lot better things to do with $29 then rubbing cream on my thighs with the anticipation of them shrinking. Can you say purses? Shoes? $29 would also buy me a few tidbits at Bath and Body all-time favorite store. Yeah, I'll pass on the fat cream and just take my chances on the good old fashioned exercise regimen!
No, No, No
July 27, 2007
Take the plunge

And just so you know, they usually have matching panties in stock to match every color of the bra that they have. Trust me, I have all of the panties too! It's an addiction...what can I say?
July 20, 2007
Just a reminder
July 13, 2007

If you absolutely cannot afford an expensive bag then shop around a little. Hit up the sales at discount stores and department stores. You'd be surprised at the bargains you can find. Don't be afraid to step outside of the box and go with a bold color. Black and brown may go with everything, but they're boring if that's all you ever buy. So thyself purse shopping and think luxurious. Think sexy. Think about yourself and how much you're worth it!!
July 6, 2007
How It Measures...

I'll admit, I went for a very long time and had never been properly measured before. I would just try on bras and take what held my abilities the best and was most comfortable. Little did I know that for the longest time, I'd been wearing the wrong size bra. I was wearing a bra that was too big around yet too small in cup size. I'd been doing this for years. Since being measured, I stick strictly within the size that I am. I do not waiver. If a store doesn't have it in my proper size, I simply try back at a later time or I go on to a different store.
Go into any plus size ladies store such as Lane Bryant or even Macy's and other department stores that have actual lingerie departments. Just tell the sales clerk that you're uncertain of your definitive bra size and you'd like to be measured. It takes 15 seconds. Trust me, those 15 seconds will make a world of difference in how you feel and how you look!
June 29, 2007
Shoes do make the woman

June 22, 2007
Spanx Me!

No more! There is a solution and that solution is SPANX. There is a Spanx product made to control everything from your upper body down to your calves. It's revolutionary. They're wonderful. I first noticed them sold at Lane Bryant not too long ago which made me a happy girl. I originally heard about them on the Oprah Winfrey show and I knew right then that I would be a fan forever. They run in size from small to extra large at however at Lane Bryant, they're offered in the plus sizes.
Seriously ladies...we all need to get our Spanx'ing!
June 15, 2007
Life Changing Ways

What it all boils down to is sensibility. Use your head. You know that the pizza is going to stick with you a lot longer than a grilled chicken caesar salad. It's making wise decisions and being devoted to changing the way you eat on a daily basis. Some of us may never be thin, but that's okay. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a positive outlook on life is all that we'll ever need!
June 8, 2007
Embracing Yourself
June 1, 2007
Sheer Elegance

May 25, 2007
Summer Facial Tips

May 18, 2007
Linger in Lingerie

Here's my tip for the day. Don't be afraid to experiment with lingerie. They have incredibly beautiful and sexy pieces of lingerie that go all the way up to 4x and 5x. You have to remember that your man is with you because he loves everything about you, including your body. Embrace your body and learn to love it in a beautiful corset or a flouncy nightie. I personally have an addiction to all that is considered "lingerie". I firmly believe that one can never have enough sexy panties, cleavage enhancing bras and eye popping chemises. And one more thing...wearing lingerie is perfectly acceptable even if its just you by yourself. Nothing wrong with feeling sexy even when a man isn't around.
May 11, 2007
Discover, Explore, Unleash
May 4, 2007
Tip for the day!
April 27, 2007
Walk Smart
These shoes are DKNY. They're sexy. They're attractive and they've got a 4" heel on them. That's enough to give you the height that you want without breaking down the heel of your shoe under your weight. Walk smart...its the only way to go!

April 20, 2007
Fashion Faux Paux...Avoid at all cost!
Another fashion faux paux that plus sized women make is buying the wrong size bra. I know how it is. You go into the store and you see a really beautiful and sexy bra and you think to yourself "I must have this!!" But wait. They only have it in a 40D and you're a 42DD. Do not buy this bra! First of all, you're going to cut yourself off around the middle giving yourself the appearance of 14 extra rolls from the armpits down. You're also going to try to squeeze your DD girls into just one D. This is going to give you that third boob affect. This never looks sexy. Ever. Resist the temptation and keep shopping. Plenty of stores offer some really incredibly sexy bras that still give you the support and coverage you need when you're blessed with ample assets.
My final "Don't" for the day is midriff shirts. If you aren't rocking abs of steel then I truly don't think the midriff shirt is for you. In reality, its a personal choice but I just can't see why a woman would want her fat rolls hanging out for the world to see. There are so many cute and form fitting tees that would look equally stunning on you as on any other woman while still concealing the fluffies. Resist the urge to let it all hang out, please!
That's it for my first installment of Fashion Faux Paux. I've got many more and will present them on a regular basis! Somewhere there is a big girl dressing badly and I'm going to always find her!
April 15, 2007
Asian Flair

April 11, 2007
Accentuate and Eliminate

April 6, 2007
Embracing Your Inner Diva
January 2, 2007
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This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. This blog accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.
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The owner(s) of this blog is compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. Even though the owner(s) of this blog receives compensation for our posts or advertisements, we always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the bloggers' own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
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